1. Basic information and circumstances of the case The applicant with residence in Rijeka, R. Croatia, complained about the noise made by a coffee bar that was open in a part of the house where she lived, which part was owned by another person. The complainant turned to the Sanitary Inspection with a notification that her apartment was constantly exposed to excessive noise from the bar F., which was open every day from 7 am to midnight.In October 2001, during the night hours, the measurement made by independent experts again showed that the noise from the bar F. exceeds the...
The Law on Environment is a framework law that provides legal basis for protection and promotion of environment quality and safety, which are further elaborated with special laws and regulations.

Meeting of the platform for Environmental Justice
On June 22, 2022, starting from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., a working meeting of the Platform for Environmental Justice was held in the premises of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss hot topics that are relevant at the moment, and also to elect a new president of the Platform for Environmental Justice. Academic Vlado Kambovski was unanimously re-elected as the President of the Platform, for whom everyone agreed that his many years of experience provide an exceptional contribution and are of exceptional importance, taking into account the activities completed so...

Presentation of the comparative analysis of strategies for dealing with environmental crime and the proposed new set of criminal provisions for environmental protection in the criminal code
On 02.12.2021, the Center for Legal Research and Analysis at the Arka Hotel presented the Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Dealing with Environmental Crime and the proposed new set of criminal provisions for environmental protection in the Criminal Code.