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What is the Platform for Environmental Justice?

The platform is based on principles of expertise, inclusiveness and responsibility and is one of its kind in our country that combines capacities from all competent institutions, MASA, non-governmental organizations and professionals involved in the protection and promotion of the environment.

About us

Platform for Environmental Justice
The Platform for Environmental Justice consists of a total of 14 members, i.e., appointed representatives from the Center for Legal Research and Analysis, the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, State Environmental Inspectorate, Crisis Management Center, Protection and Rescue Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, Center for Environmental Research and Information ‘Eco-consciousness’, Front 21/42, City of Skopje and Association of Local Self-Government Units – ZELS.

Main goals and commitments

The platform is an environment focused on creating policies, legal formulations and solutions in the field of environmental protection dealing with environmental degradation, while identifying this problem not only at central but at local level as well.

What we do

Platform for Environmental Justice
Within the platform, its members together with domestic and foreign experts will work on identifying a model of effective observation on the implementation of environmental policies and regulations, while strengthening the implementation of environmental standards and practices.
Representatives of state institutions, MASA, professionals and non-governmental organizations will propose and develop a common and sustainable approach based on identified goals and priorities on environmental protection and promotion and support policies, legal formulations and solutions in the field of environmental protection dealing with environmental degradation.

Platform members

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